Friday, June 21, 2013

Hot, Dry and Baby Birds!

I just returned from a business trip to West Virginia.  What I always seem to forget about is the humidity that is part of summer back east.  Well, I guess I don't forget about it, but I'm reminded each time I head east.  It's a trade-off, humidity or dry enough to fuel many forest fires.  This is what is happening now in Colorado, so many fires, so many homes destroyed.  We are all hoping for rain, rain, rain - but looking at the forecast for the next week, chances are slim to none.  Very sad.  Last night, sitting in our backyard, we watched the sky crane helicopters heading to/from a fire - they hover over a lake and siphon water to take back to fight the fire.  I'm going to try to get a picture from our backyard if possible, it passed very low directly over our house last night.

In other exciting news, it's baby bird time in Colorado - we have baby blackbirds, robins and finches.  I'm also waiting to see if my first ever wren that has lovingly built a nest in our bird house will attract a mate, he singing his heart out right now.  I'd love to have wren babies in our yard!  I think the cats are too old to catch one, haha. 

Katy is also doing well - Sherry and Brad visited last weekend with a much better camera than we have, and below is a very good picture of her!  (Yes, she is all head.)

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