Friday, April 8, 2016

Where does the time go?!

Wow, it's been a month since we got back from Sri Lanka...hard to believe!  And I haven't posted one blog. 

Basically our month stacked up something like this...

Snowy trail runs, one of my favorites. 

Ice covered trees in the mountains in the early morning. 

We said goodbye to our temp-cat Fritz. He went back to live with his perma-fam in their new house. 

And speaking of chickens, the ladies are loving the green grass and open dirt. Nap time below. 

And of course we've been skiing/snowboarding a good bit. March was insanely good to the mountains this year. One week I swear it snowed nonstop. 

It's starting to turn warmer here. I'm crossing my fingers we don't get our annual tree killer cold snap, but it's been nice to switch back to dirt trail runs and even mountain biking. Wahoo!  Happy Spring everyone!