Monday, August 24, 2015

Engelmann Peak

Another weekend, another 13er...Engelmann Peak this time - I *thought* that this one would be a shorter, somewhat easier hike.  Well, I've underestimated things before.  ;)

We met up with our friends (the only ones crazy enough to do this kind of sh*t with us) and headed up towards Berthoud Pass, turning onto the Henderson Mine road and eventually pulling off next to a gate with Extreme Avalanche Warnings posted on it.  We then headed up into the forest via a Jeep road.  After spending a half hour searching for one of the dogs that decided to do her own off-trailing, we proceeded up the road a bit further and then began our own off-trailing, as there is no trail up the rarely traveled Engelmann.

Along the way, we found this very peaceful meadow.  We stopped for a few pictures, contemplated frolicking through it...then moved on, wholly unfrolicked.

Knowing we needed to pick our line up Engelmann, we chose a gully and decided to see how the terrain went for ascending the peak.  The boys scouted ahead, decreed it was doable and we started up.

The terrain we would cover heading up the gully.
 Where we came from...still shrouded in morning shadows.

Tons of talus, then steep grass/loose dirt, until we finally gained the ridge and followed it up to the top of Engelmann.  Below, Tom is on the ridge after doing some scrambling.  It was steep going...this picture, of course, does not do it justice.

We had fantastic views from the summit, all the way to Long's Peak in RMNP.  And like most 13ers, we had the summit to ourselves, simply awesome.

And after we did some dog-sitting (literally) on top...

...we decided the way we came up would be a b*tch going down, so we headed down the east ridge of Engelmann and after crossing a large talus field, we ended up...well, on more steep terrain (our view coming down):

The dogs feet were cut and bleeding from the talus and poor Bella (the one who took the run earlier in the hike), was hurting pretty badly.  But we all made it down in time for ice cream at Lewis' in Empire.  Ice cream makes everything better, but you already knew that (so did Ezra and Bella).

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mount Silverheels.

I'm sure I have a blog from last summer titled the same. This 13,822ft mountain has long been my nemesis. Turned back twice by weather and once by Toms cranky ankle, it's been on my "list" for a few years. This year, I picked a good weather day and headed out with friends to tackle the 3650ft incline of this beast ENTIRELY off trail. This makes everything harder, and more fun (IMHO). We arrived at a parking lot at 7am, walked up the road about 100 yards and then set off into the trees, up a very steep incline, no trail, and proceeded to gain our first 1500ft in just 3/4 of a mile.

Soon, the sound of traffic from route 9 fades and we were left in the early morning silence of the mountains. 

The trees to the right are what we just emerged from after fighting our way up that first steep incline. Whew, time for a snack. 

Onto the tundra, interspersed with talus, scree...up, up, up. 

We made it!  This is the view to the west. Quandary Peak on the far right. We were very happy to have the summit to ourselves!  I guarantee the peeps on Quandary were sharing their summit with no less than 20 other hikers. 

Photo shoot time for our friends...

Back at the car, I guess my artwork paid off!  Where's Andi?  Taking the picture. 

Overall a very fun, very challenging 6 mile hike - mountains, fresh air, plenty of laughs and a mountain summit...a perfect day in Colorado.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Danes can bake.

End of story. The Danish bakery near us closed down for vacation the month of July. I've sort of been splurging lately. It's amazing:

Luckily the weather has been very conducive to getting outside and running, hiking, biking, etc. So, the more the merrier on the bread goods!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Random weekend ramblings.

We had a good weekend...some highlights:

- hiking in the mountains
- trail runs at Bear Creek
- mountain biking on Green Mountain
- keeping the chickens off the patio and deck (this was the most challenging)
- quieting Ellie down when she chased a predator off the coop at 430am. good girl. 

This is the ladies solution to not wanting to go to bed yet but wanting to keep close to their coop.