Thursday, April 23, 2015

All five are alive.

Our baby chicks arrived this week!  Five various breeds (Speckled Sussex, Light Brahma, Golden Laced Wyandotte and 2 Easter Eggers).  Of course, they are just so adorable. I was happy to see that they all arrived safe and sound. They are currently cheeping away in our storage room - lots of eating, sleeping and poo-ing going on in that bin.  Tom is finishing up the coop, but they will be indoors for another month or so.

Ellie is very jealous of my time spent gazing into the plastic bin. It's made her a bit more animated and in-your-face, which is a good thing. We are unsure if she wants to mother or taste them. My bet is on the mothering. 

Here's a short video of our crew...

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Nothing much.

Just some random pictures from the past few weeks!

My cousin Mike giving me tractor driving 101 lessons. We needed to get it started last weekend when I was in Ohio. Success!

Visiting my uncle Wayne with Sherry and cousin Dawn. 

I've started Ellie Mae on her trail running career. She's a natural!  This was after a run, heading home nice and tired. And smiling!

The girls arrive this week and their temporary baby chick home is ready!  A steady 95 degrees and all. Cheep, cheep.