Sunday, June 9, 2013

First weekend of summer

I know, summer isn't officially here yet, but it sure felt like it today!  Tom and I did much yardwork and drank lots of cold iced tea.

Katy Update - I've never had a small before, but have to say, they're just like big dogs...well, maybe not quite.  They're more like a cat and dog cross.  They have big dog personalities for sure, but scare easily, like to crawl on top of things and ignore squirrels - WHAT?!  Ignore squirrels?!  Yes, yes they do.  Lucy can't quite believe it either.  Maybe it's because some of them are actually larger than Katy.

Other big news - I'm saying goodbye to the Wrangler this week.  It's hard to believe - I've had it for 13 years.  It's almost too hard for me to give it up, but I know a 16 year old girl is getting it and she will have the time of her life in it.  I've done many things in that car - met my husband, moved across the country, taken it to too many trailheads to count and logged many fun miles in it.  Wrangler, you are a part of me and I will miss you dearly.  Like I said, almost too hard to give up...sniff, sniff.

Small news - we got a trail camera!!  I was so excited to hook it up, we've moved it around the yard quite a bit already and below you'll find two nice pictures from it when Tom put it next to our squirrel peanut feeder.  We don't exactly live in the woods, but we do get a healthy dose of wildlife.  Next, it'll be moving out in front of the house in the hopes of catching a fox or coyote.  Tom would like to set it up to watch the driveway to see if anyone is messing with his car (in true guy fashion).  I assured him that if it actually snapped a photo of a thief, it would likely disappear before the next morning.


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