Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hello Hiking Season.

Well, hiking season is here - summer hiking season, that is.  It's getting very close to snow-free in some places!  We had a snowy winter here, which made for great skiing for a long spring, but now it's time to switch to summer adventures.

Tom and a friend went camping last weekend, so the wives headed out to *try* to bag a 12,000 peak near Frisco.  We failed.  However, it was a great up-up-up trail, hiking about 8 miles roundtrip and gaining probably 3000 feet of elevation. We were shooting for Eccles Pass or maybe even Eccles Peak, but the snowfields (and our lack of snow equipment) turned us back.  But not before we had a great hike with the dogs.

Near where we were forced back by snow, we had a river crossing - we spent a good 20 minutes walking up and downstream, off trail, looking for a good crossing point - through very wet willows, swampy ground and bushwhacking a bit.  But in the end, the picture below was the "best" spot to tackle it.  One of Andi's dogs is a bit terrified of crossings like this (pictured below, looking very trepidatious), and in his defense, this stream was kicking, very deep and moving very fast - we searched the area and came up with an old dead log and reinforced the crossing area - anything for the dogs!  Ez and Beanie made it across and we continued on up the trail.

Past this crossing, we were forced off the trail and into the trees again and again by snow.  We really REALLY tried to push through the trees, and after a lot of post-holing and dodging snowbanks, we came to this view of Eccles peak.  We considered going straight up this side and avoiding the snow covered pass, but decided against it.

Some of the snow we were going through and around.

View heading back down the trail.

The aspens are slowing greening up!

Lake Dillon as we were almost back to the car.  The views out here are incredible. 

All in all, a great day for a hike.  We got some elevation, fantastic views and a nice workout - oh, and of course, 2 tired dogs.

This weekend we hope to tackle 2 13ers south of Fairplay - look for that trip report soon.  Hopefully we make it to the top (and back down) safely and successfully!

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