Monday, September 15, 2014

Giraffe montage.

I declare giraffes my favorite African animal (so far). So, this entry is dedicated just to them in their long-necked glory. 

They are such peaceful animals with inquisitive faces and just stand and watch you, unmoving, for minutes. When they walk, they seem to glide and aren't in any hurry to get anywhere.  They are definitely my favorite. 

Quick facts we learned about giraffes:

1) They regulate blood pressure much better than humans. This regulation is also attached to why they never lay their head down when they sleep. 

2) They sleep for only 5-30 minutes per day. 

3) Their bones have no marrow, they are solid bone. 

4) They usually get attacked when they are laying down or eating/drinking. This is because they are slow to get back up. 

5) There are 3 kinds in Africa. Masai (which we haven't seen yet), Rothschild (endangered one), and Reticulated. 

6) They can run up to 55km/hr. 

7) Despite their peaceful nature, one kick from their leg can kill a lion. 

8) Their tongue is 45cm long and their saliva is like an antiseptic!  If they get cut while eating a thorn, it heals quickly. 

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