We left Sweetwater Game Reserve today. We headed north, into drier conditions and lower altitude. It is HOT here, near 100 when we arrived. After the 40s of last night, it seems hotter than it is, I'm sure.
The camp at Sweetwater was different - greener, more manicured. This camp feels more rugged and wild. Monkeys roam the camp and try to break in to your tent, so you have to be sure to zip it up and put the provided caribeener around all zippers when you leave. At the last camp it was the baboons, but the baboons didn't know how to use a zipper yet, so there, zipping was sufficient. Not here. The small monkeys must be smarter. :) Of course, Tom has already fed one of the monkeys some of a granola bar from our tent patio, which I'm sure will increase our "trouble with monkeys" chances.
Last night, still at Sweetwater, he put the camera on a tripod to try to get a picture of a baboon right around nightfall (they were swarming the trees directly behind our tent). I was inside the tent when I heard a scuffle, a curse, and Tom scrambling onto the stairs. Hehe. Apparently he was nearly trampled by some gazelle like hoofed animal that came charging through camp. Needless to say he never got the photo. We may try to hook our bendy tripod onto the patio railing and bait a monkey with a granola bar to attempt a close up tomorrow!
On our game drives today we saw more lions VERY close up, and the 5 animals only found here, in Samburu - a certain type of ostrich, gazelle, oryxes, zebras and one I can't remember, darn it!
Our wireless connection is totally unreliable here, so I will try to add pictures to this entry later tonight, but no promises. I'm not sure the bandwidth will allow it!
Male lion close up.