Well we made it to Sulina on the Black Sea today. It is quite the out of the way town, accessible only by water. Here you'll find only a few small hotels (pensiunes), restaurants and mini markets. It is a sleepy little fishing town on the edge of nowhere and the easternmost point in Romania. The Ukraine is just across the river, the Black Sea is on another side and there are nothing but delta canals, trees and national conservation land all around us. Very remote.
What this town does have are plenty of homeless pups that run in packs. It could really be an episode of something akin to DOG GANG WARS. They are more aggressive than in the rest of the country (but not toward people, just other animals) and pick fights with each other quite often. One pack started to harass a horse and the horse kicked the furriest dog into a pit of sewage. Unfortunately, the dog was trapped and would've been pulled down into the flowing sewage pipe and drowned, but Tom reached down and pulled him out by the scruff of his neck! He (the dog) was half coated in black sewage. Totally gross. We saw the same dog later running from himself (picture attached of the half coated dog).
Tomorrow we will either search for bikes to rent and ride along the coast or hire a boat to take us into the small hidden canals in the Delta.
Pictures today: the cemetery we visited, which holds tombstones from everywhere (this region of Romania has been a big melting pot of cultures for centuries), the view from our hotel of the Danube, and stinky butt dog, of course.
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