Just some highlights from the past couple of weeks...
We caught the first chair at the base of Mary Jane - we've NEVER done that in all of our years skiing, it was...anticlimactic. But fresh tracks are always nice.
We also caught the sun coming over Vasquez Ridge:
Spent a day in the trees (honing my skills for backcountry skiing to begin later this winter!):
Minnie. Oh, Minnie. She isn’t long for this earth – she’s been battling crop issues for some time now and the vet said it likely won’t be long. She is my only “Easter Egger” and current flock leader, I’m not sure what the others will do without her…I guess elect a new leader. But, we’re trying some meds as a last ditch effort, but her prognosis isn’t good. She’s a good chicken. During a visit to the vet.
In other news, we’re headed to Steamboat (aka “the boat”) this weekend for some downhill fun with friends. It is supposed to DUMP while we are there, hopefully they don't closer Rabbit Ears pass on Sunday or we'll be stuck (oh darn). Ellie is coming along for the ride!