Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lucy the Wonder Dog

We found a cancerous tumor on our little girl a couple weeks ago.  Hoping we caught it early, they removed it. And since she's 13, while she was under, they did dental as well.

About 7 inches of staples later (27 total - they take a lot of surrounding tissue for a pea size tumor), and 5 teeth pulled, she's on the mend!   She came through wonderfully thanks to a great staff at Hampden Family Pet Hospital and Dr Buttrill. 

She's styling in her 80s style cut off t-shirt. Staples come out in a week. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It never gets old.

Driving home from skiing at Winter Park, I was treated to this scene after cresting berthoud pass. The picture doesn't do it justice, of course. The sun was shining on icy, snowy peaks with snow billowing off of them due to hefty winds today.

It was one of those things that makes you want to stop and admire it because you know the light will change soon and it will fade away. I even saw another guy pull over with a somewhat beefier camera than my iPhone to snap some pictures. I wish I had one of his!!

Living in Colorado never gets old. The scenery takes my breath away on a regular basis. Can't beat that.